I had another check up with the Speech Pathologist today. She was completely amazed at how well I'm doing at this point. Still talking. Still have taste buds. Still eating and drinking. And my skin barely looks red.
She said that my
symptoms really won't get any worse at this point, just the pain. Which is great because still being able to do all these things makes getting through the treatments and the pain so much more bearable.
They told me of a man who came in just a few days ago, and after just 4 radiation treatments, his mouth was all cracked and bleeding. I'm on treatment #26 today.
It really is amazing that I am feeling so well this far into treatments. I do have a lot of fatigue, but not near as much as I expected. My pain is very manageable with medications. Previously, I had imagined months of laying in bed, withering in pain, missing my kids and family, while the world went on around me. We have also been so incredibly blessed with amazing friends and family members so willing to help watch the kids, bring us dinners, and support us through this trial.
It is an undeniable
testament that the Lord is blessing and watching over my family and I. To have so many loving people placed in our lives. To be guided to the absolute BEST doctors. And to have been blessed with endurance and had my symptoms and pain relieved. I can not imagine going through this without Him.
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